Install Keyless Door Lock in Lexington, KY

Are you tired of fumbling for your keys at night? Would you like to have an easy way to get in and out of the various external doors of your house without having to use a key? Did you know that keyless locks have become better and better over the years, and that the batteries last a long time? Do you like to leave your door unlocked, but would like to have a way to quickly lock it and still gain entry without a key?

Well, you’ve come to the right place! You don’t need to call a locksmith for this! One of my specialties is installing electronic keyless door locks.


Convenience - no more keys! - The primary reason people switch their traditional keyed locks to a keyless system is so that the owner doesn’t have to carry a house key! When you have keyless entry, you don’t need to stress over losing your key and having to call a locksmith to gain entry, or ensuring you have an extra hidden under a doormat or rock in case you get locked out.

Higher security with programmable code access - Another pro of a keyless door lock system is that you don’t need to stress over leaving an extra set of keys for family members, friends, pet sitters, or even unexpected guests, that visit. You can just give them the access code (you select the code, and can change it any time you want), and instructions on the best way to open (and lock) the door correctly.


Battery may die - Virtually all keyless locks require a battery. Over time, batteries get drained and eventually the keyless lock won’t work. Fortunately, many keyless lock manufacturers provide early warning that the battery is getting low, giving you ample time to remove the two lock screws and replace the 9V battery. Also, many manufacturers also provide an “emergency” key for their keyless locks so that you can manually gain entry with the key if the battery dies.

You may forget the entry code: If you don’t use a keyless door lock very often, you may forget the entry code. Fortunately, you can usually set multiple entry codes with many of the locks. If you set these up in advance, hopefully you can remember at least one of the codes.

Programming the codes may be complicated: Each manufacturer has a special set of instructions for how to program the entry codes. These instructions may seem complicated at first, but if you are patient, they are usually straightforward. It is important that you keep those instructions in a safe place for future reference. I provide my customers with a laminated set of instructions for programming and changing their entry codes. I also encourage my customers to take a picture of the instructions and save the image in a safe place in case they need to refer to it in the future.


If you are tired of using your keys, if your door lock is old or worn out and you really want to replace or upgrade it, or you just want to make it more convenient for you, your family, and other designated people to gain entry to your house while enhancing security, there is no need to call a locksmith. Please contact me today for keyless door lock installation services, or call me at 859-227-8314!

Install keyless door lock in Lexington, KY - $250 installed! (includes Schlage keyless door lock)

Install keyless door lock in Lexington, KY - $250 installed! (includes Schlage keyless door lock)


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